The new year is right around the corner. That means it is time for everyone to start thinking of what they want as their resolutions for this year. Here are a few of the best ones to consider to get you started.
If you haven't gotten a good handle on your finances and if you currently have debt, 2019 is the year for you to become financially fit so you can start to enjoy more of your life and worry less about your debt. Let 2018 be the last bad financial year for you by getting a handle on everything in 2019.
If you want to get in better shape, the best way to do that is by exercising more in 2019. You should start by committing to exercise a bit more and make a plan to do so. Once you have a plan, you can get started and then build up from there.
If you have extra time to devote to something or simply just want to expand on your skills, you should consider starting a new hobby or getting some more education with that extra time. If there is something you have always wanted to try, there is no better time than the present so work it into your 2019 plans.
Kindness breeds kindness and our world has never needed more kindness than it does right now. For 2019, you should make a point to do some nice things for strangers. This could be as simple as paying for someone's meal or coffee on occasion. You will be happier as a result.
In 2019, you should also treat yourself more. When you have the extra money in the budget, you should consider going out to eat at McCray's Tavern. The food is delicious and a great way to spend some quality time with the ones that you love. There is something for everyone at McCray's Tavern making it a great place to go to in 2019.