There are many details to think about when you are hosting an event. You need to decide what food and beverages you will serve and what decorations you will use to make your event stand out. You also need to select the venue where you will hold the event because sometimes it is easiest to host a private event outside of your home or office. There are many other details to consider before hosting a successful event. So how do you decide where to host your next private event? Here are some tips and ideas.
With several room and seating options, enough space to seat up to 100 guests, a long list of room amenities, and various menu options, McCray’s Tavern is the perfect place to host your next private event ! The McCray’s Tavern event staff is always dedicated to providing spectacular service and making sure your event is extra special! Located conveniently on the historic Lawrenceville square, McCray’s Tavern is easy to find and offers several options to choose from when planning your event!
Our main event room is spacious and has an open feel, which allows you the flexibility to create a unique set-up. Here are some options for your business meeting, family reunion, bridal shower, birthday party, or other event:
We offer a wide range of amenities to suit your event, including space for up to 70-100 guests. Our staff can comfortably seat up to 70 people for dining seating and 100 people for cocktail style events. When you choose McCray’s Tavern for your event, you will receive a private enclosed room, private guest entrance, and two private restrooms. Wireless Internet and separate heating and cooling options will also be available.
Having a slideshow or other presentation or simply just need some type of visual for your event? McCray’s Tavern provides an LCD projector, large 12’ x 6.5’ screen, and computer connections for you to display pictures and presentations.
Depending on your needs, you will also have the following available for your event:
Event food is primarily what most will remember at any event. Make sure you don’t disappoint! Our event staff will work with you to create a menu that complements your event, whether you are throwing a small birthday party or a corporate outing. Choose between the following for your event:
McCray’s Tavern Lawrenceville has hosted many events and is dedicated to providing you with an experience like no other! Our event planning team is happy to help you design your next special event.
We can also put together the perfect proposal for you and your significant other. Talk to our management team, as we can place roses on your table and provide you with a bottle of champagne.
Contact McCray’s Tavern today to start planning your special and memorable event! Call 770-407-6754